Thursday 30 November 2017

Narritive Pre-test

In class we are did a practice for our Narritive writing test I hope you like mine!

Hi my name is Alice

One day I went to my room and I went to lie on my bed . I Turned my head to my door and right next to it  was this little door. I want to know what was in there where it leads to and it would be helpful if  we had a potion that turned me to a little person.   

But I just remembered that there was a one in a book I read and  I could not make it because I did not have the right ingredients. But that would take a long time to make but i will . . .

One  years later  I have finally made it.

Ok I just have to go to  school  and it is my birthday I am turning  12 years old .  

Twelve hours later  I came home and my potion was still there. I decided to drink it.  I closed my eyes and i felt weird.  I open my eyes and I look up   and I look down I'm in the carpet and  walk to the ladder  and I climbed up it.  I opened the door and I  fell down a deep hole.  I started screaming  but  I landed on a bed  i got up from the bed and went to another door ones i opend  and could  see a smiling cat,  a rabbit  and  a mouse  with a sword.

 And  then  they talk  about a person's  named the Mad Hatter. She asks,  “can i go home”. The mouse replies, “you can't go home  until  you finish your journey”.  My “what your  journey she”.   You go to the Mad Hatter  and he will help  you on the rest of your journey.  Quickly, go to the Mad Hatter be for  the Red Queen  finds you and cuts off your head.  
Go,  what are you waiting for  go,  ok ok, um do you have a horse or something else, yes we have h o o s e  you meant horse, ok, where is it .

Back at home  Alice’s Mum was wondering where she was. She went into her room and saw the potion and decided to have a drink.  She drank it and went in the door,  she did the same thing as Alice.   One second later Alice saw her mother, she ran to her and asked “how did you get here?”   
“Don’t worry, we’ve got to go home.”
“No, I have to help the white queen.”  
“What are you talking about?”
“ hmm, don't worry about  it .”

 Rabbit mouse look after her and don't let her out our site  alice alice alice don't worry mum i will come back  mum.  Mad  hatter mad hatter alice yes who there um the mad hatter . yay i need you  to help the  white queen ok  where do we go i do not know i thut you now    let's go to the red Queen ok lets 3 hours late  i want your head   mad hatter where do we find the sword in monster shed  ok let’s go  you and  i will hold her off  to buy you some time for you  no don’t go.

Where are they  ok go i will find the sound ok i find it
Let’s go mad hatter mad hatter let’s go to the white queen   4 to 3 hours later thank you .

Back at home alice wake up wake up umm what  there is a war we got to go outside  to the  place ok go go .


The End

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